The Micro Trench technique requires a small compact machine to microtrench pavements, carriageways, driveways and gardens so that a single microduct solution can be branched off from the main microduct route directly to the customer. Multiple microducts or microduct bundles solutions can be buried into a microtrench depending on how deep and wide the slot cut is made.
Our Emtelle Direct Bury Traditional Cable range is predominantly deployed by direct burial install into suitable prepared ground, due to its exceptional strength and protection of the outer sheath.
At the heart of the FibreFlow™ protected microduct system are the individual microducts themselves. We offer three different types of microducts: Thin Wall, Thick Wall and Low Fire Hazard.
A flexible and easily accessible direct burial tube bundle suitable for burial using conventional and new trenching technologies.
Trenching Brochure
Trenching Brochure |
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